Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Growing Sweet Potatoes

This year we have decided that we are going to try and grow Sweet Potatoes. So we got to looking around on the web for information and came across this site. Now along with some other sites, it is said that you can get some organic sweet potatoes and basically make your own slips. So for a little fun this time, we are going to try it. We went and got some organic sweet potatoes yesterday and will be starting the process of making our on slips today. We will keep you updated. Have you ever grown potatoes?

The Vegetable Hatt


  1. We're growing Rose Finn potatoes right now in one of our raised beds. Fingers crossed that they don't turn out all bug eatin'.

  2. I have heard that Rose Finn are great. Have you grown them before? Good luck!

  3. No, this is the first for us.
    So far so good. :)
